Clifden Belted Galloways


Clifden Belties in the sunshine

The Clifden Belted Galloways herd originated from traditional and highly regarded bloodlines. Our foundation stock was carefully selected and has been bred on with commercially focused objectives. All our cattle are Belted Galloways with the pedigrees and well-recognised attributes to prove it!

We nurture contented healthy animals with quiet temperaments and outstanding carcase characteristics in terms of yield and eating quality. The Clifden Belties are born and raised on our Yarragon property, grass-fed as nature intended. There is a selection of forage available, allowing the cattle to choose individually what is required - a veritable salad bowl. The perfect combination - a rare heritage British cattle breed plus quality nutrition and clean water (and definitely no added hormones!) results in delicious beef. Our cattle are always grass-fed, and never ever fed grain. The only supplementary feed they receive is home-grown hay and silage.

The majority of the animals we breed are sold to enhance the genetics of other herds or to small acreage farmers looking for attractive versatile easy going animals. Clifden Belted Galloways is also proud to be an accredited supplier to the Greenham’s Never Ever Beef Program which includes certification by Humane Farm Animal Care.

Most of our Belted Galloway herd is A grade stock registered on the ABGA herd book. We do also run some exceptional commercial animals. These cattle are also Belted Galloways, sired by our own registered bulls or recognised AI sires, simply not registered on the herd book. What you see is what you get - a true Belted Galloway animal.


Clifden Belted Galloways are not seen on the show circuit as we feel they are happiest at home in the paddocks but we believe they always perform as champions. We believe strongly in low stress handling and practise this at all times. The cattle are attended by a registered veterinarian, if and when required, even for 'routine' procedures such as castration, pregnancy testing and hoof care. We know each animal on the farm as an individual and see and interact with them on a daily basis.

 Our animals are our greatest advertisement for the breed.  As we run one of the largest Belted Galloway herds in Victoria, we usually have animals for sale, whatever class of cattle purchasers require - cows, confirmed pregnant or ready to join, heifers, weaners, steers and sometimes bulls, and we can often supply them in numbers. With registered and non-registered animals available, there are a variety of price points but pricing is always competitive and our Belties represent true value for money.

We welcome farm visits for stock inspection by appointment and offer exceptional after-sales follow up.

Belted Galloways are one of the most visually distinctive breeds of cattle. The characteristic white belt encircles the body and contrasts effectively with the black, red or dun coloured coat. It is commonly believed that the breed originated from crossing ancient Galloway cattle from south-west Scotland with the Dutch belted dairy breed Lakenvelder.

As well as the unique markings, Belties possess many other distinctive and appealing characteristics:

  • Naturally polled

  • Hardy & long-lived

  • Easy calvers

  • Strong maternal instincts

  • Gentle temperament and quiet demeanour

  • Double coat allows adaptation to climate extremes and variations

  • Winter insulation with double coat rather than a layer of back fat means meat is lean and succulent

Further information about the breed can be found on the Australian Belted Galloway Association website.

New cattle breeds are developed and phase in and out of fashion. Belted Galloways, a heritage breed, remain a perennial favourite for all the right reasons. Belties are incomparable, easy to love and definitely hard to resist.


Beautiful Belted Galloway Hides

In keeping with our strong belief in respect for the whole animal and admiration for the breed, we are proud to offer our fabulous Beltie hides for sale. 

The hides are expertly tanned and are perfect for floor rugs, throws or wall hangings. Skins and hides make timeless decorator items and are particularly in vogue at present. Our Beltie hides are spectacular with their distinctive markings and long luxurious coat. Please see details on our online shop or email directly